Tuesday, November 30, 2010

#5: Why Blogther

hahaha see what i did there... Blogger+Bother... hahaha shh i thought it was hilarious
But seriously, I told myself i would make another blog after the first one i made you, then you went and LAUGHED! that really hurt my feelings you know :(  you need to promise me you wont go and do that again with this one... NEED to get to ten tonight just so i can tell you, cause it is soo annoying when you use your puppy eyes on msn... OMG you Cant be serious you want kiss me till 01.01.11 if i didnt tell you... well i hope this is worth it cause i promised i will get to ten before i said....
Love you.

#4: So Hard Without You!

I find myself just laying there for hours on end just thinking What you are doing, Where you are, and Why you arnt here, every two minutes i will reach for my phone just to see if i have a message when i know i don't, but then i just think, ten more hours and i will be able to talk to you again, hopefully hear your voice, maybe even see you. I do care about you. Dont take any note of my body language cause inside you are all i think about.


#2: I Love You.

I guess since almost every second blog that you write since the day you met me is about me I will write a few about You. Because i Love you, and well lets face it. I have nothing better to write about =)

  • I love you! Just writting that puts a smile on my face.
  • I love you because you Like me for being me, rather than trying to make me into something I am not.
  • I love you when we hang out. Even if we dont talk, just being together makes my day.
  • I love the way that we can be talking about something and then you say the most random thing that has NOTHING to do with the conversation.
  • I love how you can put up with me no matter what mood I am in <3
  • I also love you for being you
  • I love how as im typing this you just sent me a message saying I love you!
  • I love how you can just Blog for hours on end, so the next day i have a Novel to read :)
  • I love that you will try everything atless once...Like playing WoW and almost getting addicted to it 
  • I love how this Blog post "I love You" is better then your "I Like you list" you have xD
  • I love you, cause your You.

#1: Don't, For me.

Continue to follow the path to success and recover and when you feel like you going to cut yourself again remind yourself that your well-being is more important then your self image causing your self esteem to low when you see the good in you that will gain and your confidence and self respect. 

I love you, and always will.