Tuesday, December 28, 2010

#30: Dear Santa

Dear Santa:
It's really ironic that you get to judge whos naughty and nice. I mean your the one with a sweatshop full of children slaves working for you all year long, not to mention all those kids you put on your lap every year! And on top of all that over 1 billion "Breaking and Entering" felonies every Christmas eve. I'm not going to bother mentioning your drunk @ss in the street running after woman yelling " HO-HO-HO "
So putting all this into perspective, I have been a Saint compared to you, So please leave me the new Green Day album and I wont report you.
Yours Truly

#29: 28/12/10 - 2.25am

I may not be perfect for you, but my heart is perfectly needed someone like u..
At first, I  ignored you..
Later on, I had noticed..
I am getting closer to you..
I like you..
I wanted you..
I miss you..
And now; I'm loving you..
You are my life, My heart , My Only Earth. If I open my eyes I want to see you If I want to hear something I only want to hear your voice, I DO, I LOVE YOU..

#27: I'm Bored!

SOOoooooo I'm Bored! Where are you!

Friday, December 17, 2010

#25: Today! ...

So... Today was a rather great day. I don't really want to blog like this but just today I will. =)
Ok so my day started at a rather early time of 4.50am! got up walked out my door to find two of my flatmates walking in the door from there jobs. I was pretty bummed when I got out of the shower because I didn't find myself walking into my room with cooked breakfast waiting for me :(
Right. So I got to work at 5.55am early as always ;) *cough* so I as soon as I walked in the store I hear Cam (Top Baker in the shop) Singing "We Will Rock You" across the intercom. By far the funnest thing that has happened at work.
By the time i finished all the paper work and reports it was almost breakfast time so the whole bakery walked across to the Bp and took a 50 minutes break =D
When we got back to the store someone forgot to take the 40 wholemeal buns out of the oven *Facepalm* lets just say they were cooked....a lot. So i was managing the cake table with the new rookie kid we only had two cakes to make a 3kg banana cake and my second 9kg Marble Cake! it was HUGE! I must admit that would have to be the funniest thing to make!

Yea so after work I got to hang out with Angela :) and I hung out with her for an hour or so although it felt like it was only minutes :( but i get to spend the next few days with her which i'm looking forward to.
So once i got home I cleaned the house with Anthony and we did all the dishes and just completely cleaned the place up. And now it actually looks like a real house! very awesome.
=) Then... I went Shopping and got the last of the Christmas presents, (p.s. Angela I found the Perfect gift ever, and I hope like it, cause I Love it!!!)
well that brings me to know.... I think I will have a msn date now :)

Not to self- Do Not let someone draw on your face with vivid, it may seem like a good idea at the time, and a fun hour or so, But when you go to wash it off... its painful. Trust me!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

#24: Voted Worlds Funniest Joke!

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson goes on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend.

‘Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”

I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes,” replies Watson.

“And what do you deduce from that?”

Watson ponders for a minute.

“Well, astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.

“Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe. What does it tell you, Holmes?”

Holmes is silent for a moment.

‘Watson, you idiot!” he says. “Someone has stolen our tent!”

#23 Dumb Hunters!

A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head.

The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”

The operator, in a calm, soothing voice, says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”

There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy’s voice comes back on the line. He says: “Okay, now what?”

Saturday, December 11, 2010

#22: I Got A Hair Cut!

Yeap, it's almost been 3 months without a haircut, but finally today I was FORCED into getting one cause apparently after wearing my bakery hat for 8 hours I look like Jon Header from Benchwarmers xD

"Howie: For years I thought the sun was a monster. But I am here to tell you that it's not a monster! IT'S NOT A MONSTER!"

but anyway i did get a hair cut... and I think it is WAY to short!!! I cant even flick it around anymore :(
and don't laugh! I know you will. IT'S not posing! shussh


#21: Christmas Is Nearly Here!

** COUGH ** not saying anything....

Just an idea... lol.  OR...

But I need to find Meaning to it, I don't just want to get it for the hell of it. : /

Thursday, December 9, 2010

#20: New Ginger Bread Designs

What's wrong with the time-honored, classic gingerbread man design?
As of tomorrow you will be able to purchase the new GingerBread designs at Woolworths Feilding :)


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

#18: Made Me Feel Like I Was Six Again!

Wow this was one of the FUNNEST days of my life and I'm Pretty sure it wouldn't of been the same without you!
Everything we did just made me remember of the old times, Back when I was like Six!
Shannon I really hope you like you Christmas Gift that me and Angela made you it's the first time in over 4 years that I have played with Super Glue, Macaroni Pasta, and PAINT!
I just cant wait for you to see it, Mum will be so proud of me ;)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

#17: It's your Birthday!

Merry Happy Birthday!!

First off, Happy Birthday, and I hope that it goes how you want it to go, I promise to do as much as i can to make it just that much better :) 

Well you are just lucky enough to share your birthday with "Mary Queen Of Scots", I also want to add, I HOPE you like your gift...'s I saw the first one about 2 weeks ago, When I saw it i Just had to have it! cause as soon as IT LOOKED AT ME it just reminded me of you! and the other 4 gifts were just I HAVE TO HAVE THEM.
30th October 2010, 3.20pm.... Fist time i said "I Love You" :) I remembered it, you didnt have to tell, cause you didnt just read it off your phone. :S

I couldn't just choose one photo for this cause they are all just so awesome and cute! so heres the top three for you :)

#16: :S


Monday, December 6, 2010

#15: 24 hours 19 minutes!!

24 Hours, 19 Minutes! 
Are you excited! You should be!!! cause in exactly 24 hours 17 minutes you will one year older!! 16.....

Also today was just....awesome! I mean seriously! when we are bored we have the most fun, Cause we just do the first thing that pops into our heads. Who would thought following a car around for half an hour could be so exciting!
well i guess i should stop typing since you are laying right next to me, plus, you didn't give me any blanket so i'm freezing cold :|

Sunday, December 5, 2010

#14: 15 Ways To Annoy People

  1.  Make beeping noises when a large person backs up
  2. Sniffle incessantly.
  3. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what SHE said"
  4. Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a "real hoot." 
  5. Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with Sanitizer
  6. Practice making fax and modem noises. 
  7. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
  8. Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward silences with the impression that you'll be saying more any moment.  
  9. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears.
  10. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room.  
  11. Holler random numbers while someone is counting.
  12. Staple papers in the middle of the page. 
  13. Write the surprise ending to a novel on its first page.
  14. Honk and wave to strangers.
  15. At a golf tournament, chant "swing-batabatabata-suhWING-batter!" 

#13: Don't Stand In Front Of The Mirror

Do Not Stand too much In Front of MIRROR.
Even the mirror will fall in love with you,


You are so cute and dashing....

For more JOKES please recharge 20c monthly to my phone :)

#12: The "supprise"

This So does not count as teasing!!!
But OMG, on the way to Foxton i saw it... and i NEEDED IT! I think i will have to give it to you... but i dont want to.. its just too amazing in everyway! OMG do you want to know what it is?!?!?! ok here we go... or maybe i should wait just A LITTLE longer. It gets better over time ;)
do you know what it is!?!

Friday, December 3, 2010

#11: WoW

I Know that a lot of people hated me for when I started to "WoW" it up... but come on. you were all hypocrites i just moved onto something else, I Know that it is for the better, so i dont end up like... some (flatmates)

But still i dozens of sleepiest nights were spent on that game. :) even tho most didn't see the point in it, I found it fun meeting the people I did.
R.I.P: Turtles!! Even tho i didnt have much time for you, You were my fav.
Gnomercy, you were Boss!
hahaha I Not werid for talking to my WoW characters. Shh
Now that the temptations are gone i hope that I can stay away...

#10: 10 Things Wrong With Old People These Days!!


They're too small
They all have weird hair cuts
They always talk about politics
They pee to much!
They're always saying that i have bad posture
They all think there smarter then you because of the age
They dont fart ...they... *Pofff* and they smell 10x worse
They're always tired and need to "nap"
They ALL dance like Idiots!

...And my Final one Pet Pev about old people...


Thursday, December 2, 2010

#9: Sorry,The Hardest Word To Say?

There are some people who don't believe in saying sorry. They think it's weak, uncool and a sure way of losing pride. Personally, I've always had trouble saying Massachusetts and Aluminum. The last one, it's just more fun to say with a couple more ums at the end (Aluminuminum)
Woops little off track! But Seriously! IM SORRY!

#8: IT'S OVER!

6 months 1 day.... 178 days .... 4272 hours .... 256320 minutes .... 15379200 seconds ... 236519 million something milliseconds..
wow ... what can i say, the last 6 months was the funnest time of my life! too bad it has gone so damn fast..but at the same time i am happy its over, and i passed...With a Merit!

WAIT! WINE! NEVER AGAIN! ... well maybe once more... we will see ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

#7: What can I say?

:) Every time I see this photo I smile, I dont care if i have a "pedo" smile, I still like it =P

#6: 7 Fun and Exciting Games with a Brick!

1. Jump Over the brick!
Put the brick on the ground.  Jump over it.  See how high you can jump.


2. Brick Tag!
The rules of brick tag are simple:  if you get hit by the brick, you're "it."

3. Brick Roulette!
Have your friends stand in a circle around you.  Put on a blindfold.  Spin around as fast as you can while holding the brick with your arm fully extended to build up maximum force.  Let go.

4. Truth or Brick!
Tell the Truth or... Get the Brick.

5.Drop the Brick!
Find a high building. And drop it.


6.Brick Conquerers!
 Fuck the brick up.  Hit it with a stick, stab it with a sword, set it on fire - the goal is to inflict maximal harm on the brick.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

#5: Why Blogther

hahaha see what i did there... Blogger+Bother... hahaha shh i thought it was hilarious
But seriously, I told myself i would make another blog after the first one i made you, then you went and LAUGHED! that really hurt my feelings you know :(  you need to promise me you wont go and do that again with this one... NEED to get to ten tonight just so i can tell you, cause it is soo annoying when you use your puppy eyes on msn... OMG you Cant be serious you want kiss me till 01.01.11 if i didnt tell you... well i hope this is worth it cause i promised i will get to ten before i said....
Love you.

#4: So Hard Without You!

I find myself just laying there for hours on end just thinking What you are doing, Where you are, and Why you arnt here, every two minutes i will reach for my phone just to see if i have a message when i know i don't, but then i just think, ten more hours and i will be able to talk to you again, hopefully hear your voice, maybe even see you. I do care about you. Dont take any note of my body language cause inside you are all i think about.


#2: I Love You.

I guess since almost every second blog that you write since the day you met me is about me I will write a few about You. Because i Love you, and well lets face it. I have nothing better to write about =)

  • I love you! Just writting that puts a smile on my face.
  • I love you because you Like me for being me, rather than trying to make me into something I am not.
  • I love you when we hang out. Even if we dont talk, just being together makes my day.
  • I love the way that we can be talking about something and then you say the most random thing that has NOTHING to do with the conversation.
  • I love how you can put up with me no matter what mood I am in <3
  • I also love you for being you
  • I love how as im typing this you just sent me a message saying I love you!
  • I love how you can just Blog for hours on end, so the next day i have a Novel to read :)
  • I love that you will try everything atless once...Like playing WoW and almost getting addicted to it 
  • I love how this Blog post "I love You" is better then your "I Like you list" you have xD
  • I love you, cause your You.

#1: Don't, For me.

Continue to follow the path to success and recover and when you feel like you going to cut yourself again remind yourself that your well-being is more important then your self image causing your self esteem to low when you see the good in you that will gain and your confidence and self respect. 

I love you, and always will.