Sunday, January 2, 2011

#32: I Want...I Need...

I hate seeing blogs that have depressing posts and hateful messages all over them, so I don't want to be like that.

So I will try keep this post as...casual and calm as I can
Ok, so over the Christmas holidays for work (Dec 5th - Jan 2nd 2011)  In the 4 weeks I worked a total of 158 hours give or take 3 or 4. That means I had like NO time to visit family or just take a small trip away from all the mayhem.
So that said I want to go for a trip OUTSIDE of the Manawatu just for a few nights or so, and I want YOU to come. I know that you have a busy life and all but seriously I just want you to be there while I get lost and pretend like I know where I am xD

well that stupid attack interupted me and now i forgot where this blog was going... *facepalm*
Think i got most of what i wanted to say down
update later....I HOPE!

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