Saturday, January 1, 2011

#31: MY New Years Resolutions

Ok well to kick it all off the first thing i have always wanted to do but i just never did..... 

Lose the weight!

I think the best and easiest way to get myself motivated to do this is with my second resolution which is to  

Join a gym by the end of January 

I will join a gym. i know it wont be cheap but it will help. I will also set my self a personal goal of having to go atleast 3 times a week. I also know that this wont help my third resolution but it will be worth it.

Save, Save, Save.

Now that I am working 35 hours a week at work, I won't to put away 15 hours pay into my savings account and do the best not to touch it, so that i can go for a trip sometime through the year.


I would like to go for a trip to Australia to visit the family over there as its going on two years since i saw most of them last. OR if I can save up $5000 I would like to goto the UK to visit the brother :)

Be Confident, Feel Confident

To do this I would have to find what my insecurities are, and i believe that my biggest would be my weight and shyness, so I will try being more open as i have nothing to be shy about. also I think that I should be positive all the time even if i dont feel it this will hopfully just naturally as time goes on.

And for my last Resolution....

I will think of a Password, other the "Password"

-Liam Steven.


  1. Love the "password" problem. lol
    Not to be pushie, but act on your resolutions as soon as possible.
    The longer they are left, the less likely you are to act.
    See/call me BEFORE you sign up to the gym plse.
    Hope the New Year went well. Catch up later. LU

  2. Hey Liam, hope your New Year celebration went well :)
    Your resolutions sound like good stuff dude!
